12 Days of Christmas with Kid's Dream Families
Holiday Dresses & Traditions Shared by our Favorite Kid’s Dream Families
Christmas is just around the corner, and we wanted to share some of our Kid's Dream family photos, favorite traditions, and what our kids are dreaming about most for this Holiday season. All of the families featured have worked with Kid's Dream on various projects, and we want to thank them and share their family traditions and special Holiday photos with you!
On the 1st day of Christmas, Santa gave to Kid's Dream Robin Marie and her adorable family.
Robin Marie's Family, Photographer - San Diego

We work with @robinmariec a lot! She's a great photographer from San Diego, California with a beautiful family. We asked her about what her favorite Holiday traditions are, and her family has a great concept!
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Every Thanksgiving, I take one child on a cruise to Mexico. It allows for maximum mommy/daughter bonding time while my husband takes the other on a camping trip for daddy/daughter bonding time.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: A Barbie dreamhouse and the other is asking for a Disney suitcase.
Lola Hassler, Photographer - Las Vegas

Lola of @gianna.and.giovanni is great, and her children are just beautiful! She recently took some photographs of her daughter and friend for our Holiday collection, and we were hooked! We asked her about her favorite family Holiday traditions,and here’s what she shared with us.
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: My favorite Holiday family tradition is decorating our Christmas tree while watching a Christmas movie in the background and baking cookies in the oven.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Gianna asked Santa for a new baby doll and to go back to Disney.
Heidi Racusin - Southern California

@heidiliz and her girls are so adorable! We loved working with them this Holiday season. She has such a fun Holiday tradition; check out what she shared about it when we asked.
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Baking gingerbread cookies and heading to Balboa Island in Newport Beach to see the houses lit up for Christmas while sipping apple cider.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Chloe wants a bike with pedals, and Emelia wants a baby doll carrier.
Lauren Diamantas - Florida

We love Lauren Diamantas @laur_diamantas and her beautiful girls! They agreed to be part of our 12 Days of Christmas feature and let us in on their favorite Holiday traditions.
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: We love the entire Christmas season and presents. Charlotte - putting up the decorations and baking cookies. Mine - spending time as a family doing festive things, and all the matching jammies. It’s acceptable to wear them out this time of year, right?!
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Caroline - a pink ice cream truck and a lot of presents. Charlotte - a lot of American Girl items.
Gia Spinbella - North Las Vegas

Gia is adorable, and this Christmas, here’s what she’s asking Santa for.
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: My favorite Holiday tradition is baking, decorating, and eating Christmas cookies! We also love decorating like crazy!
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Gia would like a dinosaur backpack for Christmas.
Nola Papa & Family

photo credit to BSAphotography.com

photo credit to BSAphotography.com
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Traditions for me personally was and is so important. I have the most vivid memories as a little boy riding around our small Mississippi town spotting Christmas decorations. One house, in particular, stands out in my mind as bright now as it was then. Every single year this elderly couple would deck their yard in the most magnificent SMURF display. Wooden cutouts of each Smurf dawned their favorite Christmas decoration or clothing. I remember my mind being blown each year. As a 38-year-old man, I am sure it would be blown once more if I were able to see it again. That very feeling I had as a little boy I want to replicate every single year for our girls. It is vital that the magic of those special moments happen. I may not have cool Smurf decorations but, I try my best to decorate and bake as much as I possibly can. As a family, one of our most favorite traditions is loading up on the New Orleans streetcar after the sun goes down on Christmas Eve and ride up Saint Charles Avenue gazing at the gorgeous mansions all lit up with Christmas lights. Our girls’ expressions fill our hearts with that holiday enchantment that only children can give. The magic of the Holiday Season is every Kid’s Dream and it allows us the opportunity to live in that moment vicariously through them.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Alli Mae is going through a huge castle phase. We saw Santa last week and she told him she wanted every single princess castle there is. She literally named out every single princess there was and is to be accompanied by their personal castle. I melted. Her little sister Ella just wants whatever Alli Mae wants. She watches and imitates every move that her big sister makes. But she definitely is in the nurturing stage right now with her baby dolls. We all call her “Mama Ella”. It is freaking adorable. So Santa will probably bring her something to help her out in that area. 😂.
Anastasia Lapointe & Family - Cape Cod, Mass
Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Ever since Elle was born, we have this tradition of going to our town's two-day Christmas celebration. The whole Main St. is closed off, and we love walking around seeing all the decorations, stopping at our favorite stores for yummy treats, taking photos with Santa, and gathering on the common green to watch the Christmas tree lighting. The next day there is a fun Holiday Parade with different floats, music, Clydesdale horses, and of course, Santa on his sleigh.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Anything and everything to do with princesses! Especially sparkly princess shoes.
Alessandra Martinez

Question: What are your favorite Family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Favorite Holiday traditions include having 2 Thanksgivings with our Family! The day of Thanksgiving we celebrate with extended Family and the next day with immediate Family. We cook, play games, watch movies and eat eat eat until we are about to pop lol. My favorite is the Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream, yummm! For Christmas we do the same thing celebrating with extended Family on Christmas Eve and immediate Family on Christmas Day. We decorate our living room and put lights on outside - my favorite part is decorating the Christmas Tree! We do a gift exchange on both days and it’s always entertaining because the gifts are silly and fun! We eat food such as tamales and pozole - so good! On Christmas Eve, we leave cookies and milk out for Santa and they are all gone by the morning! Lastly, every year we have an Elf on the Shelf named Happy that comes and checks on my brother and I the whole month of December!
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: Alessandra has started to think of her Christmas Wish List and here are some of the items:
- Anything L.O.L Surprise
- Hatchimals
- Mermaid Barbie
- Bike
- And that the Homeless don’t go hungry and stay warm for the Holidays!
Vanessa Comfort & Family

Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: We watch the original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" every Christmas Eve with the girls and they get to open a gift from their stocking. Also my family is Italian so every Christmas we have a traditional Italian antipasto spread with lupini, salami, olives, cheese and crackers.
Question: What are your children asking from Santa this Christmas?
Answer: This year they have asked for about 20 different gifts lol! They keep changing their minds. Some of the recurring favorites have included a talking unicorn with a light up horn, a pink and purple microphone and a dollhouse.
Gabby Wells & Family - Atlanta

Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: Making Christmas cookies, Christmas caroling at the nursing home, Christmas parade in our tiny town and getting into Christmas PJs the night before Christmas!
Amy Kavaris & Family

Question: What are your favorite family Holiday traditions?
Answer: We make sure to light the advent wreath every Sunday & talk about who we are celebrating on Christmas. A tradition we started last year is we walk around and brought presents to our neighbors in the snow. It was glorious! We never think 3 weeks is enough for Christmas so our tree goes up before Thanksgiving. There’s just something about the Holiday glow! The girls love their chocolate and we do a lot of Holiday family movie nights. We also see the nutcracker every year.
Hayden Twinkle Toes & Fam

Instafamous Hayden Twinkle Toes is one of our highly featured models. Hayden and her family keep busy during the Holidays and Hayden is a December baby. It’s a fun month with lots of gifting and parties. We love Hayden and her very awesome family.
Thank you all for being part of the Kid’s Dream Family. This wraps up our 12 Days of Christmas where we featured 12 KD families, their Holiday best dresses, and some favorite traditions anyone can adopt.
Our family is always growing! If you would like to become a part of the KD family to be featured in our special occasion layouts, please contact denise@kidsdreamus.com.
Happy Holidays Everyone! And may you have a blessed and abundant new year.
The Kid’s Dream Family
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