Press Release: KD Kapsule: Nola Papa's Inspire Collection
Kid's Dream just launched the KD Kapsule: Nola Papa's Inspire Collection in collaboration with the Nola Papa family! Kid's Dream has worked with the Nola Papa girls in the past and we're so excited to be a part of this new project. The collection features Nola inspired graphic shirts in toddler, kid, and adult sizes, onesies, and face masks. Congratulations on the launch of the new children's book The Adventures of Addie Underwater!
Shop KD Kapsule: Nola Papa's Inspire Collection
See the Press Release below:
Photo credit: BSAphotography.com
Four years ago, Erik Alexander of Nolapapa.com set out on a mission to help normalize how people viewed same sex parents and their families.
He felt by starting a blog and documenting his own family’s journey that it would help not only inspire other same sex couples to create their own dream of having a family, but perhaps help to bridge the gap between all families from all walks of life. By giving a glimpse into their own life, it would allow them to see that gay parents love their children just as much as anyone else.
He also found out quickly by reading to his children every night that representation of same sex families was hard to come by in children’s books.
So, with a dream in his pocket and friends by his side, he was able to set the wheels in motion. By having a multiracial family of his own that is being raised by two dads, he felt strongly that this was the perfect scenario that would help to not only captivate young imaginations, but also to help melt away any insecurities felt by their parents.
Photo Credit: BSA Photography
Representation is crucially important for anyone, but especially when you are a child.Positive visibility helps to break the taboo stereotypes, especially when helping to expand a parent’s mind on accepting all loving families for who they are, despite any differences they may have. Respect and tolerance is the key in paving the way for a well rounded and loving heart.
‘The Adventures of Addie Underwater’ is a children’s book series that tackles the difficult questions which will hopefully, in turn, create a much needed dialogue between parents and their children in a natural and tactful manner by introducing adoption, skin color, loss of a family member, and dealing with bullies.
The first book in this series helps to show children that although all families are different, they all love their families in the same way.
It is so important that children learn at an early age that some families do not look like their own. This is especially true as they grow into their school age years.
Lastly, he wanted it to be super easy to read and to understand. ‘Beginning readers’ will have fun reading it as well!
Vibrant and cheerful illustrations from Victoria Zemke fill each page with welcoming colors that are full of fun with carefully thought out scenes that are sure to inspire the littlest of mermaids or mer-boys that you may have.
As the book neared completion, Erik knew that he wanted to figure out some way to get his book into libraries across America. As the conditions worsened across the globe, he felt like another avenue was needed to help uplift the spirits of the trampled and broken hearted. This global pandemic has brought the world to her knees and he wanted to help in some way.
Erik learned long ago that one smile can help change the world. It can effectively stop the cycle of anger and sadness in it’s tracks. What better way to do this than to create t-shirts, onesies for babies, and face masks with one goal in mind. TO INSPIRE.
He has partnered with an incredible clothing company that is locally owned in Los Angeles, California called Kid’s Dream and CEO, Chewy Jang, who has essentially stopped in it’s tracks to lend itself to the front lines of the Covid 19 pandemic by making, donating and shipping thousands of hand made face masks to the essential workers all throughout America. Erik Alexander strongly feels that as long as we can help keep people smiling, the brighter everyone’s candle will be to get us through each dark night ahead by being someone’s “Light in the Dark.”
A very generous portion of the sales from his ‘Inspire’ clothing collection will go towards purchasing copies of these books and placing them in libraries across America. As sales continue and hopefully increases, he plans to add more locations in the future.
You can purchase your own ‘Inspire’ accessories by visiting his website at www.nolapapa.com or kidsdreamus.com
Join Addie and her family as they swim through life’s array of different situations and adventures.
‘The Adventures of Addie Underwater’
Every Family is Built with Love
Swimming onto bookshelves February 11th 2021!
Be sure to stay updated at his website, nolapapa.com, Instagram.com/nolapapa and Facebook.com/Nolapapa
Photo Credit: BSA Photography